Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Is your breakfast cereal killing your diet? by Shantini -Energia Personal Trainer

It is alarming how so many ready to eat breakfast cereals contain such high levels of sugar that they could belong in the confectionary aisle. It is easy to succumb to the “rich in vitamins and minerals” campaign, which really is masking some serious nutritional deficiencies.

So how do you make sure you are eating the right stuff?

It can be overwhelming checking the Nutritional labels especially when you don’t know the required amounts. Your bowl of cereal should be

High in dietary Fibre:

RDI: 25g for women 30g for men

Low in Sugar: if there is more than 15g of sugar per 100g put that cereal back on shelf. Keep in mind some breakfast cereals have a high sugar content due the fruits in it. Check the ingredients. Avoid cereals high-added in sugars.

Low in Saturated Fats: Not a major issue in cereals but generally a higher with cereals containing nuts. Heart Foundation recommends no more than 1.5g/100g

Recommended buys according to CHOICE * 

Uncle Toby’s Weet-bix Lite

Shredded Wheat

Abundant Earth Organic Puffed Corn

Alternatives to Cereal:

* (Two) egg white scrambled with chives and 1 Slice of wholegrain toast

* Raw oats with water (soy or skim milk) with a handful of berries

* Puffed rice, almonds and handful of Sultanas with dairy or soy milk (can add honey)
* Two poached eggs with spinach and a drizzle of olive oil

* Two boiled eggs and 1 slice of whole grain toast + 1 tablespoon avocado

* Soy + linseed , banana smoothie

These are just a few of the abundant healthy breakfast options.

The below rates the most sold and favorite cereals on the market, you d be surprised!

Thumbs up 

Sanitarium Weet-Bix

A high-fibre option, its only letdown is its moderately high sodium.

Kellogg's Sultana Bran

It’s high in fibre, and, even though it is high in sugar, this is mainly derived from the sultanas

Kellogg’s All Bran

is a very high-fibre option


Uncle Toby's Plus

High in sugar which is mainly from the dried fruit. However, according to the ingredients list, Essentials for Women and Omega 3 Lift have more added sugar than fruit.

Kellogg’s Just Right Original

has a moderate amount of fibre, and sultanas and dried apricot pieces contribute to the high sugar content.

Thumbs Down 

Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain

Kellogg’s Special k

Kellogg’s Coco Pops

Kellogg’s Cornflakes

Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Cornflakes

If you d like more information hop on to, They have an extensive table with about 166 cereals which were put the “Healthy “ test !

Remember breakfast is vital for a productive day make sure you start it right !!!

Shantini Iyngkaran

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Gluten Free Shopping and Cooking

Its a real challenge to move from a wheat free diet and I have been doing my own trial on myself to see what its like for my clients... ITS HARD! However I am determined to make this healthy shift and try and make it as easy as I can.

Remember though its tempting to buy the ready made products you are still feeding your body food thats been preserved or has artificial preservatives. Where practical try and make your own snacks. I know this is hard with a busy lifestyle!

Firstly where do you buy products from?

I found a Gluten Free Directory which was extremely comprehensive from where to shop, online shopping, cafes etc.

I had a flick through some of the online resources  (I am not a fan of shopping unless its a farmer's market!)  I looked at Aussie Health Products and they were a little expensive but they had a great range so that was my final choice.  However for Victorians, Three Ducks has both a shop and an online option and though variety was low prices were okay. Nutritional Harmony didn't give me the Gluten free selection I wanted.

A good store of recipes can be found at Gluten-free Goddess.